Keep bug reporting simple:
Don't make bug reporting complicated by requiring entry of more data than is really necessary

Describe how to reproduce bugs:
A bug report should include a step-by-step description on how to reproduce the bug (or replication information)

Record how bugs are detected:
Report all the facts-Allow them to reproduce the bug

Write bug reports immediately :
the longer you wait between finding the problem and reporting it, the more likely it is the description will be incomplete, the problem not reproducible, or simply forgotten.

Writing a one-line report summary :
Writing the Bug's report title is an art. You must master it (the same should be related to bug you are reporting)

Don't use the same summary:
For two different reports, even if they are similar don’t use similar summary

Consult your peer member:
Before writing a bug consult your peer team member (if the same has already been reported).